
Archive for February, 2013

I remember reading a book by SARK when I was in college, and she talked about walking around with a little net where she would capture all of these little miracles.  She called it the “miracle moment collector”.  That idea stuck with me, and over the years, as I have collected quotes, art, poetry, bits of goodness here, there and everywhere I realize that I am doing it too.

And I have been reminded recently that it is both a learned behavior, but also an incredible gift.  And since I think the best thing to do with gifts is to share them I would like to start a new series on the blog when inspiration strikes where I will offer what has brought a smile, a tear, a laugh to my face, with the intent to pass along all the miracles that I have been collecting.  I cast my net widely, you will never know what you will get… there are so many miracles in the world, and so much goodness…

So for today these things:

The loveliest video I have come across in a long time.

What happens when strangers meet in a ball pit.

I love listening to the way children tell stories.  The way they breathe as they talk, the way they switch ideas midstream, the way that they giggle and guffaw.  There is something so magical about following the mind of a child.

The Scared is Scared


This is a woman that I wish I knew, and I can only hope that my legacy will be as beautiful as hers.

Irene Ritter


Adventures in cardboard. 

I will admit, I now have a not so secret desire to hoard my cardboard boxes and come join them this summer.  You don’t think they would mind if I joined in?

Now go find some goodness.

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The other day I ran into a friend who had said he was thinking of me the other day because someone had asked a question and he knew I would love it.  As I have written about before I am a bit obsessed with questions.  I think they are pretty fantastic and often open up new ways of being, thinking and seeing.

Instead of “How are you?” his friend has started to ask “Who are you becoming?”


It was so exciting to me on two levels, one is because he knew that I would like it, and it feels good to be known, to be thought of, to be seen.  And isn’t that what friendship is?  To take note of something that another would like, to share bits and pieces of life and to say in ways big and small… You Matter To Me.

And two because it is simply a fantastic question.  One that opens up so many possibilities for conversation and for truly engaging more deeply in one another’s lives.



And I thought about the deepening of friendships, of getting to know people on a new levels and how that happens.  As I look at many of my relationships and how they have deepened over time and I look at ways that they have gotten stuck, ways that they have gone sideways, forwards and backwards I am reminded that friendships are living breathing things that need to be tended with love and attention.  Sometimes we need to see people in new ways, to be reminded of who they are becoming, and sometimes we need to remind ourselves of who we would like to become.

For today… give yourself permission, space and time to grow into who you are becoming.



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